Black Moon Fixed Earth Cross Partial Solar Eclipse


A Partial Solar Eclipse Fixed Earth Cross New Moon in 10ºTaurus @ 20:28UT 30th April
Visible SW South America, Pacific, Antarctica

When the Light of the Sun is directed from a sign of the zodiac where the Moon is exalted, i.e., strong and stable Taurus, then love, money, food and desires feed into and highlight the soul’s karmic connections – especially during an eclipse, when all kinds of energies move in and out of the cosmic portal created as Luna comes between Earth and the Taurean Sun, to partially block Sol’s light so that we can see life’s shadows.

Earthy Taurus favours the dappled sun to take the slow and steady middle path; and for now we may be grateful this is a partial eclipse, so we can prepare for a total Lunar eclipse, May 16th. Be aware this eclipse season holds an element of surprise, whichever path we may be on. As ‘the Lights’, Sun and Moon, conjunct the planetary agent of change, Uranus, and together with the Lunar North Node, also called the Dragon’s Head or Rahu, they portend unusual events or ideas or people that seemingly come in from our dear Taurean Bull’s left field, in order to awaken within an understanding of the true nature of reality.

The apparent craziness of current situations can make us seriously consider changes ahead. Now is the time to make adjustments in our lives in relation to our personal and collective cosy place, community and/or environment, and to be in tune with the Bull’s favourite pasture and the meadows of the green, green grass of home.

May all be well. May you be well. And May all beings be well.
Good to bear in mind, the historical Buddha was a Taurus, who not only walked the middle path but taught it also.

This is also a
KARMA MULTIPLIED day (positive or negative)
x 100,000,000 ~>






Love light & thanks
to Amygdhala for inspiration ૐ

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