Pink Moon ’22
Full Moon in Libra conjunct Spica
Pink Moon ~> April 16th 11:55 California, 14:55 New York, 19:55 UK, 20:55 Europe
A Full Pink moon, in beautifully balanced and rational Libra, is opposite the dynamic Aries Sun. Harmony in relationship is well starred but will also need strength, work and self-awareness, as well as the willingness to let go of any old psychological dross that no longer serves the coherence of union. It may be an old habit or thought pattern that needs to change, but the joy of renewal through transformation will take place after this Easter Full Moon during the Easter weekend, and make all the bravery worthwhile.
This Libra Moon also benefits from being with Fixed Star ‘Spica’, the nurturing star of abundance. Reaping the rewards of Libra’s healthy approach to relationship (i.e. keep cool, look poised, and breathe art, beauty and culture), emotional balance comes through inner-peace and a calm heartmind. This could be one of the Moons where we need to fake it till we make it. And those with planets at 25-26-27 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (Tropical Zodiac) could especially find staying on centre at the same time as being in one’s flow the ultimate and extreme thrill.
This Full Libra Moon also takes us into Eclipse Season, with a New Moon Solar Eclipse 30th April, when we go through a Taurean stargate that has the potential to open one’s consciousness, and enable one to see the true value of a good and simple life without a constant round of drama and crisis.
Are you ready to transform?
With LOVE Light blessings on the Full Libra Moon