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Big Cat New Moon in a Big Cat Year
- Light Festivals
- New Moon
- Solar Fire Festival
- Water Tiger
New Moon July 28th ~> 5° Leo This July’s New Moon, 5 degrees Leo @18:55BST, activates the responsible, freedom-loving Lion heart, to be of greater benefit to the world and all sentient beings, including oneself. ☼ This lunation also sees an important […]

SAKADAWA SOLSTICE SUPERMOON ~> Full Strawberry Moon 23° Sagittarius Tuesday 14th June 11:52UT One of the most important holy days in the Tibetan and Himalayan calendar, Sakadawa is a Light Festival that celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and paranirvana of Sakyamuni Buddha, who […]

New Moon in Gemini ’22
Observe the Mind ~> New Moon 30th May 11:30UT @9Gemini With a Mercury Retrograde, Mercury-ruled, Sun in Gemini New Moon, Mercury is the emissary of the Gods whose role is paramount as he carries the celestial message to be patient and keep […]

Jupiter in Aries
Jupiter in Fiery Aries on Guru Rinpoche Day! May11th 2022 In Tantra, fire represents knowledge. In astrology, fire symbolises intuition and instinct. And on this extra special Guru Rinpoche day, igniting the element of fire is the Sacred Cosmic Guru, Jupiter, now […]

Black Moon Fixed Earth Cross Partial Solar Eclipse
SEEDING CHANGE A Partial Solar Eclipse Fixed Earth Cross New Moon in 10ºTaurus @ 20:28UT 30th AprilVisible SW South America, Pacific, AntarcticaWhen the Light of the Sun is directed from a sign of the zodiac where the Moon is exalted, i.e., strong […]

Liberating Cosmic Lovers
Venus, Mars & Saturn in Aquarius Since the beginning of the Tiger year, Venus and Mars have been travelling together. The relationship planets only come together every two and a half years (!). They are currently in a separating conjunction, recently having […]