Liberating Cosmic Lovers

Venus, Mars & Saturn in Aquarius

Since the beginning of the Tiger year, Venus and Mars have been travelling together. The relationship planets only come together every two and a half years (!). They are currently in a separating conjunction, recently having had an intense and hard encounter in Capricorn, with power driven Pluto on the degree of martial Mars’s exaltation, March 6th. Now Venus is in freedom-loving Aquarius, sandwiched between Mars and Saturn, which has been problematic and contentious and not a warm fuzzy feeling, to say the least.

Thankfully, there’s less pressure upon Venusian relations as the Losar month closes. Friendships and partnerships could easily dramatically change dynamic from one Moon to the next, as the celestial lovers, Venus and Mars, continue to sky dance together in Aquarius until early April. Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are also in ‘mutual reception’ , meaning even distant relationship (or perceived distance) can sense a strong bond, with good friends worth their weight in gold.

Soon we will witness the momentous (! Yes, really.) and magical mystery of a once-in-a-lifetime Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, when ‘Big Waves’ of emotion, hysteria, glamour, lies and delusion are best dealt with compassion and forgiveness and a nice cup of tea.

I’m also reminded of a Buddhist meditation exercise exchanging status between friends, enemies and strangers, and how relationship impacts upon our psyche and our world of desire, aversion and indifference. And as the heavens now bring lessons in the awareness of how we feel about liberation in friendships, it’s important to keep an open mind and allow everyone to be themselves, including oneself!

Here is the exercise :…/friends-enemies-and-stranger

Be well! Be happy! And be LOVE!
A New Equinox Aries Moon, April 1st, marks a heavenly moment to set new intentions and follow new dreams with new realisation.

AstroDakiniDharmaStars VenusAndMars WaningEquinoxMoon

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Pink Moon '22

April 17, 2022