Sakadawa in the Year of the Iron Mouse
May’s New Gemini Moon is the start of a lunar cycle in which Himalayan Buddhists celebrate ‘SakaDawa’ and the birth, enlightenment and paranirvana of the historical Buddha, Gautama Sakyamuni.
This year of the Iron Mouse, from May 23rd until Solstice Solar Eclipse New Moon, June 21st, Sakadawa is one of the most holy months in the Tibetan calendar, where the goodness generated from loving kindness, compassionate thoughts and enlightened activity pervade the unified field of consciousness, to infuse our cosmically connected vibration with love and light.
This is a powerful lunation, where we need to watch what we say as well as what we think and do – good or bad, because during the first fortnight of the SakaDawa lunation karma is multiplied 100,ooox. At the Saka Dawa Full Moon 5th June, karma is again multiplied 100 billion and, as far as I understand, a further 7 million due to the Full Moon being a Lunar Eclipse. Creating merit is therefore to be encouraged to establish foundations for a healthy future. Time now to be kind, wise and good.
Here at DharmaStars we wish the blessings of SakaDawa radiate into infinity ~> so that all beings are happy and free from suffering.
It’s also good to note that on Solstice June 21st, the Solar Eclipse is followed two weeks later, July 5th, by another Lunar Eclipse, marking this a longer than usual eclipse season, with the Solstice Solar Eclipse flanked by the two Lunar. The Eclipses have also recently shifted astral emphasis, away from corporate Capricorn and confining Cancer, into the versatile and changeable Gemini and Sagittarius. As these shadowy celestial portals now accent Elements Air and Fire, The Twins and The Archer encourage us to think big, aim high, and embrace new ideas for a brighter future, and to be receptive to helpful truth and information that can set the human heartmind free.
Thanks to unknown artist for Chenrezig, the Lord of Compassion surrounded by the 5 Dhyani Buddhas. Manjushri and Vajrapani 🙏❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🙏❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🙏❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Best wishes & Happy Sakadawa!
Om Mani Padme Hung ….x infinity
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