Wesak 2020 Full Moon in Scorpio
✰ Empower the Soul ✰

Scorpio proverb ~> ‘That which doesn’t do you in, makes you stronger.’
Or, as they say in Zen speak: ‘No Mud, No Lotus’.
~ Thich Nhat Hhan~
Full Scorpio Moon @ 11:45UT 7th May 2020
As you can tell from the above sayings, Scorpio (and its planetary ruler Pluto) tends to emphasise situations that are not always easy, but often extremely transformative. So that when the emotional Moon is full in deep and powerful, passionate Scorpio, we can also experience profound feelings that test in critical and crucial ways. And while we might not always like how we feel about certain situations or what we see (even within ourselves) over this Full Moon, Scorpio’s influence upon the human soul encourages us to use our present circumstance as a means of transformation, to transmute anything we consider a shadow upon our natural clarity, with precision and care.
✰ Because this Full Moon sees the ‘Lights’ in earthy, practical Taurus Sun align with a penetrating Scorpio Moon, slowly tighten into a ‘T’ square with a fixed yet active Mars in Aquarius; concentration and focus is called for, especially in the humanitarian arena, as well as creating tension for the financial world of resources, food and energy investments.
Make no mistake however personal transformation is now possible when working in either isolation or groups, even if it seems like a BIG ASK. Because the practical Taurean Sun is also now with Mercury, quick-thinking planet of the mind, the celestial emphasis is to illuminate and stabilise chaotic thoughts – all-the-while the buzzy Mars in techno-beeping Aquarius could easily overstimulate the senses and lead to over-analysing anything and everything. And that could drive us all to distraction! What the heavens suggest we really need is a combination of both, time to analyse AND space and time to just rest in the restorative power of ‘now’, to see and savour the value in this present moment. Just as a contented Bull rests in his meadow, we also benefit from our connection to nature and her healing power to sooth and uplift.
✰ Granted, the idea of soul is an anathema to Buddhism, but I am child of the universe and recognise the multidimensional soul that surrounds humanity and its beings. I also understand how this is a particularly traumatic time for the human spirit & soul and our cosmic connection Planet Earth. The now astrologically infamous hard-hitting Triple Conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto calls for much healing, soothing of furrowed brows and stressed out systems. And while Saturn in Aquarius symbolises ‘social distancing’ (as noted by wonderfully insightful Melanie Rheinhart in ‘Saturn, Chiron & the Centaurs’ (pg83)); humans are inherently social and sexual beings. And while Saturn in Aquarius can be seen to be socially distant, its also techno and cool, surrounded by friends and kindred spirits. And we naturally reach out to those we love to try and make sense of a pandemic which affects everyone’s foreseeable future. Most important is to determine the quality of our friendship circle for another two years of the Saturn in Aquarius transit, and organize the future.
During this time its good to cultivate relations we can work with, that better us in helpful ways, and in any (cyber or otherwise) connection try to stay on track and not let anyone deter one from living our higher purpose: to be kind and compassionate. Note that our natural tendency to care with love and friendliness, which we are witnessing the world over, can embrace physical distancing for a while; and regulations to ease the ‘distancing’ as Saturn begins to retrograde May 11th going back into earthy Capricorn from July until November. But here again, I would advise us to try not to get hopes up too high about life going back to the way to was before. We can’t. And how we proceed now is important for our own health and safety, as well as that of the planet, with the amount of pollution around the world a reflection of our own obsucration and greed. ‘Big Data’ in the form of Jupiter conjunct Pluto only just started crunching algorithms to anylise and digitally figure out how grow control over the last Full Super Moon in April (as this Moon only just creeps into super moon category). Jupiter and Pluto together on the verge of Aquarius suggest we are about to experience life digitised to an unprecedented technical and electrical level. But will it work? Maybe not. Maybe not everyone wants to live such frazzled lives anymore. And this is precisely why it is more important than ever to nurture and renew our soul in nature as often as possible, in order to stay ‘earthed’, deeply connected to our essential human nature.
✰ Be warned: this is also just the beginning of the hard-90° angle T-Square between the Sun and his warrior, Mars. This slow forming ‘T- Square’ ‘perfects’ June 6th and eases out a week or so after the Solstice. Looking ahead, we now have six or more weeks of a tough square creating a hard angle by which people could easily feel aggressed, perhaps by unnecessary monitoring from regulations provoked by a bold and hardened authority, when it is we, ourselves, who need to police our own mind – and for that to work it takes integrity and awareness of self in relation to others.
By way of sensing and getting an idea of what the next season (summer or winter) might bring, note any tensions being played out approximately 12-16 hours after the exactness of the Full Moon, as this is when the Moon makes a direct challenge to Mars; then witness the beginning of a month long build-up to the exact same T-Square between the Sun and a currently electrifying heroic Mars in innovative Aquarius.
In a month’s time the planetary energy will have again shifted; also note that when Sol and the scarlet Mars do actually square-up 6th June, they do so in adjacent signs, when Sun will be in Gemini and Mars in Pisces, and when there will more information about combatting the unseen, as well as the opportunity to develop spiritual skills that help one to see through the veils of illusion. Mars gets quite agitated in Aquarius, but is lost in Pisces.
But back to now: anger, jealousy or unbridled passion can also arise quickly around the culmination or just after the Full Moon. Know that to get everyone’s needs met patience is called for in all spheres of communication and interconnection. There could be promises of liberation, full engagement, as well as a futuristic sense of what may come in the following years. Yet we may also end up seeing the need for forgiveness over the June Moon, when this Sun-Mars T-square is finally exact.
✰ Right now and the brilliant Taurus Sun, solid and secure with quick-thinking Mercury implies a strong stance and bright mind; in a wide conjunction to wild-card Uranus, experimental planet of liberation, this again denotes looking towards stability with liberation, which, in itself, is an ambitious combination. Certainty is a rare commodity in this modern world. Everything and everyone change all the time. Yet humans thrive on having a healthy routine – stable diet, enough sleep – and money – as well as loving relationships – all infused with a little excitement here and there. Too much Taurean good-life surety leads to dull, vacuous boredom, greed and a lack of generosity towards others; whereas too much Aquarian-Uranian stimulation can fray relations and frazzle nerves. Again, this Fixed ‘T-Square’, plus the Sun’s conjunction to Uranus, suggests breakthroughs can occur, offering new answers with practical yet innovative solutions in these highly unusual times.
For many people still on lockdown, the time is also ripe for self-evaluation and self-improvement, to find new ways of healing (from the trauma of recently having life ripped out from underneath one); and to live healthily in community. Stronger and stable situations mean all those thoughts wheeling about the windmills of mind can slow down and allow one take stock. Many could also realise how they need to hold trust close to heart and maintain nerves of steel. Even if it’s only thoughts and ideas about the future that are developing to be on the move, coming out through the metaphoric chaos, only to rise like the light-seeking lotus, easing through the mud to follow the light into the open sky takes faith and awareness.

There is no doubt these have been most difficult months for the worlds’ human inhabitants. Though fish, other mammals, animals and cetaceans have been having a ball; so we have all now experienced a time when humanity lives in harmony with the Earth. And how wonderful is that? Very, I hear you say! It’s certainly an eye opener, noting how the air is cleaner, lighter, and even sweeter to breathe – even the earth smells sweeter after the rains (the petrachor); and the birds, animals and fish much more relaxed.
Coming from our usually degenerate time, this lockdown has therefore shown our exemplary human sense of ‘care’ and ‘togetherness’ are strong and reliable: much-needed qualities for the beginning of the Age of Aquarius where equality and humanitarian ideals are upheld. So we also know now that when it comes to even bigger issues, such as environmental crisis, from which these pandemics arise (when we are out of alignment with the natural elements), that we can (and do) pull together and do what is best for everyone. Incredibly, and most hearteningly, Mother Earth quickly responds.
✰ Under the astral auspices of the ongoing ‘Triple Conjunction’ (until early next year, 2021, when the connection begins to fade), we also need to look at the bigger picture and revise the ways we utilise Earth’s natural resources, to develop renewable energy and sustain homes and industry, without harming the planet or its inhabitants, should be our goal. But with this Full Moon highlighting the powerful Fixed Cross Quarter mid-way marker festival between Equinox and Solstice, it is also the perfect moment to acknowledge our own personal transformations taking place too, particularly those heavy-duty emotional adjustments that come within the auspices of ‘Triple Conjunction’ and welcome the light as if emerging from a well-spun cocoon. Get ready to spread wings and fly, even if it’s only a liberating experience from within your mind’s ‘third-eye’.
✰ Murky hidden agendas notwithstanding, the drama and crisis of the intensity that everyone has been under are thankfully rare and difficult to naturally maintain; ordinarily both heart-mind and body tend to seek healthy resolution. And because these past months have been hard for everyone in one way or another, it’s at times like this that we are forced to step-up and maintain some level of control without chaos. It’s also at times like this when our true nature is often revealed.
As such, events surrounding this Scorpio Moon could also lead to powerful insights that offer hope in such bizarre times. Both passionate and intense, when the sensitive Moon is in Scorpio we often experience a laser-like perception that helps us pinpoint which/how/why/what/who we would now like to invest in, or renew, i.e. what parts of our self, our world and our relationships need to be transformed. Be aware certain relationships are cosmically destined to reappear throughout May, June and July. (More on VENUS RETROGRADE in a moment.)
Because scimitar Scorpionic exactness features heavily in psychological scrutiny: to rid oneself now of paranoia, slothful habits, and unrealistic longing makes it easier to embrace truth, trust and courage – all of which is needed in abundance throughout this year. And to release the outworn and obsolete also means bravely relinquishing unreasonable desire. No matter how many shades of grey may permeate and nuance our ordinary world, Scorpio Moon situations tend to either black or white, which can be helpful during moments of transformation, when extreme times call for extreme measures. By this I mean there’s now very little chance of going back unaffected into the life we had before this cruel pandemic rampaged across the world at lightning speed, highlighting the way we collectively abuse and exhaust nature and her creatures, as human playthings. Attitudes and situations are bound to change.
Still, there will always be those willing to be enslaved to the same-old, same-ole, and get back on the treadmill to sell their soul to the industrial pollution machine because they don’t know any other way; and for the easily swayed into the machination of desire and aversion we raise compassion and wish all beings be blessed with ‘right livelihood’. Those struggling, financially, emotionally or otherwise can already sense a need to dramatically change in order to survive in the New World. Yet what this has taught is how much that can be done together, in community, and with peer groups that support fellow kindred spirits during times of transition. A Scorpio Moon also denotes the importance of emotional armour and strength to face changes up-front and bravely, no matter how difficult or challenges those changes maybe. After all, psychic Scorpio is the sign of life, death and rebirth. And it matters not if the challenge is good or bad: it’s still a challenge – while Scorpio’s ruler Pluto is now retrograde until October 4th, the measure of our collective karma will be weighed throughout this year, until November 12th, when the Sun is in Scorpio, and the third hit of Pluto and Jupiter takes place empowering Pluto’s controlling influence (read the last part of last months’ Full Moon report for more on this Jupiter-Pluto). Be aware also how the December Solstice 2020 marks the 240-year Great TransMutation, and the start of a more humanitarian world begins to unfold.
✰ According to the heavens, we really are on the edge of something fabulously exciting and new and now getting an inkling of how we are now taking small steps towards the entrance into the New Age of Aquarius, when humanitarian ideals are implemented and altruism is the guiding light for an impeccable human spirit.
✰ We still have time to create such equality. But before we leave this Full Scorpio there are two other astral points to mention: Firstly, the Full Scorpio Moon trines Neptune in Pisces; at the same time the Sun makes a sextile to Neptune. This is an easy aspect, easily overlooked in for goodness it imparts, taking our blessings for granted, stoking the collective dream to reveal buried treasure (spoiler alert: it is our emotional inner-strength).
And secondly, in the days following the Full Moon, three planets go Retrograde: Saturn, Venus and Jupiter, in that order.
1) Taskmaster Saturn, currently distancing socially in Aquarius at Rx has already been mentioned, going retrograde May 11th until September 29th.
2) Venus goes Rx May 13th for 40 days and 40 nights in Gemini, when old connections resurface after 8 years. Planet Venus, Goddess of love, currently has many tales to tell, as she is passing through Gemini, the sign of facts and information, as well as hearsay. This is the perfect time to train your mind and love who and what you are, warts and all. Venus in Gemini is also conjunct Hygiea, Goddess of Healing, accenting that self-love is also a means to self-healing. And perhaps that is one of the most important lessons that we learn during the Venus retrograde period. (Not puffed-up ego love, but pure self-love)
3) Next Jupiter goes retrograde, May 15th, for four months until September 13th, when it is the first planet to pull away from the massive six-planet retrograde. Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn indicates areas marked for growth need to be reworked and reorganised, with less expectation and more cancellations.
It is the retrograde formation towards the end of August/beginning of September which makes this astrologer cautious about saying the virus will be clear this year, because retrogrades are times when we revisit situations, people and events. That said, I do sense that with a variety of healing planets creating positive patterns, in the current form we are currently experiencing covid-19, it is coming to an end, of sorts. Maybe it will mutate as other virus have in the past. But hopefully not. Hopefully, the September mass of retrogrades means we have learned our lessons and are busy implementing our wisdom accordingly.
And last but by no means least, this Full Moon in Scorpio is also widely recognised and celebrated as the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and paranirvana, known all over Asia as either ‘Wesak’ or ‘Buddha Purnima’. I tend to see this full Moon symbolic of the transformation we can all make, from darkness into light, from pain to joy, from ignorance to mindful compassion.
Himalayan Buddhists also celebrate the same thrice-blessed Buddha moon known as ‘SakaDawa’ on June 6th, which is also a penumbral Lunar Eclipse, followed by an annular Solar Eclipse at Solstice.
Powerful turning points ahead!
Until then, take good care, stay safe and be well…
Happy Wesak!
Happy Buddha Purnima!
May all beings be enlightened!
With love & light from AstroDakini
Agent #87
aka Laura Boomer-Trent