Chaos Inspires The Dancing Star ~>
The above title is for the initial impression of a lively and vital, intrepid Full Aries Moon horoscope – one that constellates so many different areas of life; it comes from a quote written by 19thCentury existential philosopher Fredrich Nietzsche, who says in full “You must still have chaos within your soul to give birth to a Dancing Star”. ‘To give birth’ symbolises bringing forth a creative project, heralding joy with a crowning moment announcing the entrance of something or someone dashing, new and exciting. The thrilling and new are also arenas in which an Aries Full Moon thrives, enticing the (self) competitive to be at the vanguard of any mission, particularly those that have a cause to champion.
Over this rather stimulating Full Aries Moon that mission is multi-layered, multi-dimensional and multi-stranded, with a Grand Cross and Grand Trine in the horoscope. Throughout the three-day Full Moon period (12-13-14th Oct) we would do well to guard against negative emotions such as envy, anger or spite, especially if or when standing up for self and/or others, at the same time providing copious amounts of strength and care, warmth and inspiration – particularly when birthing interstellar moonwalkers.
We also need to keep our wits about us as soulful chaos now demands a creative outlet, implied by that intriguing Nietzsche quote. But what does it really mean to ‘still have chaos in one’s soul?’ How does such inferred unruliness lead to the ‘dazzling cosmic hoe down’? Is chaos (theory) naturally inherent at the point of creativity for everyone, or just a few, at certain times? Indeed, is soulful chaos Goddess-given, inherited, or self-created; i.e. does it come from outside events and situations, or from inside by never-ending thoughts that hippety-hop on nerves and overwhelming emotion? From the astrological point of view, one wonders if chaos even comes in cycles. (Answer: yes, it does.) But, perhaps more importantly, what kind of astral advice do the heavens offer now when chaos abounds even in places one would expect good governance, law and order?
☆ Well, when an impulsive, initiating, and potentially innocuous Full Aries Moon is conjunct a transpluto dwarf outer-planet ‘Eris’, everything simply changes. Even the children know that we need to swiftly ditch the naivety, and be aware how karma expands and how, during the initiating moments of onset, with any new thought, word or deed, there is a vibration created that magically ripples out into the world to affect the future – for good or bad. I say this now because dark angel Eris is no ordinary planet: she is none other than the ‘Goddess of Discord and Lawlessness’ (the Roman ‘Discordia’) and sister to Ares, God of War. In reality, she is someone most would prefer not to invoke or mess around with; reiterating the request to be careful about what we personally set into karmic motion, and to be brave when who or what we might meet in the midst of any turmoil is an awesome combination of Xena Warrior Princess and Melisandre.
With such strong Full Moon symbolism, one would be correct in suspecting a collective Erisian ‘commotion’ in her various chaotic guises to be currently felt by almost everyone, in one form or another. Whether its political confusion, or familial, work, or relationship madness getting the better of your natural equilibrium, now is the time to assess the balance of power, as well as the struggles and injustice that imbalance creates. (So please try to be kind (to yourself) and avoid that which riles.) With the Sun AND Mars both in harmonious, peaceful and just Libra, there is every chance that over this Full Moon we can negotiate and deal with those with whom we feel have wronged us, as best and as fairly as we can.
Nonetheless, unruly Eris is a tricky planet to contend with. While only recently discovered (2006), she symbolises harnessing the outrageous defiant power of the feminine and the outsider’s struggle for survival. Those with (personal) planets between 17-23° of leading cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn – are currently most challenged by this fierce feminine, Eris, in tremendous ways that can dramatically empower or drastically disempower (the pompous, thoughtless and arrogant). Certain (collective) injustices could hark back to the years 1982-3 …1990, and 2001; people born in those years may well now be heeding a call to action, or a need to speak out against personal injury and/or collective inequity. Good luck, and note how you have a better chance to complete the mission when you stay on centre.
☆ At Full Moon culmination, the poised Libra Sun opposite a wild Full Aries Moon-Eris is in direct hard ’T-Square’ (90°) to Pluto and Saturn; and the latter planet at home, doubling authoritative Capricorn influence. Both Saturn and controlling Pluto still have ties with the karmic South Node, opposite the Cancer North Node, forming a wide ‘Cardinal Cross of the Central Spiritual Sun’; continuing to alert us to difficult past (life) activity that requires a steady release, redress and reform.
☆ Still, the Moonwise are aware there is only ever the moment of ‘now’, as the past is gone and the future is yet to come: and besides, staying in the now keeps you in your own fractal flow. Acknowledging ordinary life is back on track, however, and in a serious semblance of order, will probably take a little longer, plus commitment and patience; the results of which could be nicely realised by the January 2020 Full Moon, when Sun is at the same place as Saturn and Pluto are now – and Goddess Eris is once again a strategic player in the climax of a planetary play about karmic inheritance, responsibility, shared power and resources. Heads up: 2020 comes on the wings of several strong female archetypes that do not put up with any BS. Eris is but one.
It’s also worth noting here that Eris is an outer planet with a massive time frame of influence, and an orbit that takes just over half a century to circle Sun (557 years). Its’ widely elliptical path means there are times when ‘disorder, strife and chaos’ stay longer in some signs than others. And, wouldn’t you know it, punky Goth Eris’s passage through Aries is a long transit, taking 122 years to pass through the sign of the oft impatient and child-like, head-butting Ram. This dark shadow Madam won’t even get to Taurus until 2048. Maybe that will be the time when the Goddess really rages in defence of Earthy Taurean values (love, land, money). It also means everyone born after 1926 – which is the majority of Spaceship Earth’s inhabitants – have Eris in Aries to contend with in his or her horoscope. Yet only those who have personal planets (e.g. Sun or Moon) may be cosmically bound to sense, feel and live with her intensity daily.
In Aries, Eris struggles with personal physical survival, as she devours our own sense of self, identity and childish egos with a warring disposition that create ferocious chaos and disorder – with great swathes of incarnating souls discovering the battlefield is not outside oneself but actually within their own mind. Ultimately aware there is no separation of self from others, yet remaining true to his or her own individual, relative self, within soul families and soul groups, by feeling the personal power of presence as naturally light and rousing is not always easy.
From the Buddhist point of view working with shadowy and difficult energies, it is when we learn to tolerate, love, and be compassionate towards everyone and everything, including our darkest demons, they then naturally (and eventually) transform into light – and love, and become pleasing to live with.
So while this Aries Full Moon is fuelled by rebellious Eris, those who crave lovely Libran gatherings that exude classic culture with timeless beauty, where considered diplomacy is forged with intellectual vigour in stylish salons and manicured gardens: these are the very same parties to which others, especially the outsiders, should also be invited to. Snobbishness is a Libran trait, it is true, but no one should now be excluded from a Full Moon blast of Cardinal Cross consciousness and fun, lest there should be trouble.
Because this is a Full Aries Moon in which the spotlight is upon new beginnings, we could also receive a timely reminder how we always have a choice: to be spiritually conscious – or not. From a personal point of view, look to the Libra Sun (and check where it is now in your scope) to see who or what helps weigh up pros and cons for any new starts.
☆ Fortunately for everyone at this Full Moon, the planet that gives hope, optimism and perspective, the far-seeing cosmic sage, Jupiter, makes fabulous connections to both Sun and Moon, with an easy ‘sextile’ and helpful ‘trine’ respectively. Jupiter is the planet to synthesise the qualities of this powerful Full Moon moment, due to its esoteric connections to the Cardinal Cross and Central Spiritual Sun, as Jupiter also now approaches the Galactic Centre. These associations certainly boost confidence to learn as much as you can and, if you haven’t already, get everything together (in these next few months) that you need to know in order to birth the dancing star and or stand up to speak one’s piece; making sure you are in the right place talking the right people if you do have something helpful to say, not ranting on the interwebs.
☆ Remember Mercury is going retrograde at the end of the month – on Halloween! All kinds of hidden thoughts, secrets and agreements will necessitate a reword and rework during this sacred time of hallowed souls and saints, when the veils between upper and lower worlds are thinnest. This is also when the Scorpionic Mercury becomes an access-all-areas psychopomp, as messenger to the Gods, bargaining deals from the underworld. Mercury retrogrades just days after a New Scorpio Moon Oct 28th, from 31st October until November 20th. Take note: during this time it may be best to play certain cards close to your chest
☆ Also of interest in this Full Moon scope is a delightful ‘Grand Water Trine’ between fated North Node in Cancer, Evening Star Venus and heavenly courier Mercury in Scorpio, all the while oceanic Neptune is conjunct Black Moon Lilith in Pisces. This Water Trine tells us more about depth of feeling, as well as providing a purifying healing channel for souls who encounter crisis when fashioning his or her own creative project.
☆ Brilliantly, Venus and Mars are both irresistible, now in mutual reception, meaning ‘the relationship planets’ get along even though they are not at their best (as Mars is in detriment in Libra (no swashbuckling in the law courts) and bright and shiny Venus is in detriment in Scorpio (due to her currently intense and magnetic strange attractions). Although, it is a seductive Venus who calls the shots in Mars’ domain; active Mars is in Venusian Libran realms, seeking to keep the peace. And this is rather promising, because Mars is a the head of the locomotive shaped chart, making him the leader of the entire horoscope. Acting like a suave Bond, Mars holds out an olive branch whilst heralding the peaceful and harmonising, cool and calm Libran Sun.
☆ Venus, as the ruler of Libra, is also currently opposite Uranus, the ‘Agent of Change’ (which is always a major participant in the Cardinal Cross), again illustrating how freedom in relationship can bizarrely create closeness: by letting love fly, it will also come back, time and time again. Know that if you hold on too tight you’re in danger of hurting the very same ones you love.
☆ Breakthroughs come when the Moon conjoins Uranus, just as Luna begins to wane on the 15th, towards a Halloween New Scorpio Moon that marks the Fixed Cross Quarter Fire festival, when passion is strong and insight sharp and clear.
☆ A last but not least mention for the Sun in Venus-ruled Libra, as Venusian blessings now come from the East, as this Full Moon is also ‘Laxmi Purnima’. Laxmi is the Vedic Goddess of wealth and abundance; leading to Diwali on the 28th Oct and the Eastern Festival Light. This New Moon is also start of the Pagan New Year.
And with that I wish you all a joyous Full Moon with abundant good health, wealth and happiness.
With love & light and thanks to unknown artist for BuddhaFractalBrot
from Astro Dakini
🙏💖⭐️🌕☀️ #87
aka Laura Boomer-Trent